Global Lists
Global Lists menu option allows you to create and/or upload the lists of Domains, Apps, Bundles, Languages, IP Addresses, Devices, and Zip Codes. Also, Override Lists can be created here.
Once created, they become available as selections for wherever Global blocklists can be selected:
Settings > Platform Settings section
Advertiser Settings > Basic Settings tab
Campaign Settings > Advance settings tab
Channel Settings > Basic Settings tab
Source Settings > Advanced Settings tab
They can be used as include/exclude lists, and allow/block lists too.
Creating Lists
Most of the lists are created the same way. Start by heading to the specific list type (i.e. Language) you want to create. This page will show all the created lists for this type once any are created. Use the search field to quickly find any of the named lists that have been created.
Click the button to create a new one.
Enter in a name for the List name and click .
You will be brought back to the table of lists for the type you are in. Find your new List name and click the Name. You will be brought to a page where you can search amongst all the elements of the list. You can Download CSV template for a csv file that can be prepared with all the elements you can then Upload from CSV.
Additionally, you can manually create a new element by clicking the Add new language as in the example below for Language Lists.
Finally, you have the option to Export to CSV all of the elements that have been created in this single list.
The Mass Actions tab allows you to add this list to any/all Sources and/or Campaigns via mass actions and manage them as allow/block lists for those Sources/Campaigns.
Creating Domain Lists
(need to finish this)