

By clicking the Advertisers drop-down on the top navigation bar, you have two selections:

  1. Advertisers

  2. All Campaigns




Heading to the Advertisers page, you will see a dashboard devoted to the top level metrics for all the advertisers that have been created. It shows the following metrics starting at the top:

  • Top: Today’s Spend, Impressions, and eCPM. These metrics also show Yesterday’s total amounts, as well as the month-to-date (MTD) total amounts. Revenue numbers default to USD.

  • Middle: Two bar chart graphs showing the daily breakout of Spend and Impressions. The date range can be adjusted using the drop down above these bar charts.

  • Bottom: A table that is also affected by the date range selection mentioned above. This table can be exported by clicking the export to csv button. The column headers can be shifted left and right based on how you would like see this table by clicking the individual dimension/metric and dragging it left or right. In this table, you can quickly see the metrics for all your metrics:

    • Advertiser

    • Ad Requests

    • Ad Opportunities

    • Fill Rate (Ad Req)

    • Fill Rate (Ad Ops)

    • Impressions

    • eCPM

    • Total Revenue

You can manage the dimensions and metrics you see in this table by clicking the image-20241030-165547.png button on the right of the table headers. Take a look inside to see all the metrics available!

Additionally, the left vertical navigation bar gives you the ability to create a new advertiser, as well listing out all the advertisers that have been created, with the number of active campaigns vs the total amount of campaigns created. Underneath Select advertiser: you can search and filter this list to specific advertisers. If you click on any single advertiser here, you will be brought to the dashboard for that specific advertiser. For more on viewing a specific advertiser, head to Viewing an Advertiser. Clicking the image-20241030-183316.png button will sort the advertisers accordingly by advertiser name.

All Campaigns

Heading to the All Campaigns page, you are brought to a page that provides a complete list of all the campaigns created in a table with metrics at the bottom of the page. The top of the page allows you to search and filter the resulting table to hone in on any campaigns you would like to see in the table. You also have the ability to create a new campaign by clicking this button on the top right of the page: image-20241030-155140.png (More about Creating a new Campaign here)

Focusing on the table at the bottom, it shows the following:

  • ID - next to the ID, the status is noted. The image-20241030-172911.png means the campaign is stopped/paused. The image-20241030-173033.png means the campaigns is activated/started.

  • Name

  • Advertiser

  • CPM

  • QPS

  • Sources count

  • Type of integration

  • Actions:

    • Connect/Pause - clicking this will change the status of the campaign, to pause an active campaign or start a paused campaign.

    • Edit - clicking this jumps you right to the Campaign settings

    • Statistics - clicking this will jump you to Reports that will be automatically filtered to that campaign.

    • Logs - clicking this will bring up a window showing troubleshooting Logs, specifically the Request to advertiser. This will populate accordingly if the campaign is active and IndiCue is making requests to the advertiser.

A note on Logs: IndiCue stores 1% (but not more than 10 logs per entity) of the logs and update them every hour.

At the Campaign level

For tag-based campaigns you will see:

  • request to advertiser

For RTB campaigns you will see:

  • request to advertiser

  • response from advertiser

The left side of this table allows you to individually select/deselect each campaign, or quickly select all. In doing so, you can then make use of the Mass Actions. To do so, look for the the Mass Actions drop down above the right side of the table, as seen here:


The Mass Actions drop down has the following selection to choose from:


Selecting Stop can pause/stop any/all campaigns selected.

Selecting Start can activate/start any/all campaigns selected.

Selecting Archive will archive any/all campaigns selected.

3rd party tracker allows you to apply the same 3rd party tracker to TWO selected campaigns. If one, or more than 2 campaigns are selected, this option is disabled.

Mass Edit allows you to apply the same mass edits to TWO selected campaigns. If one, or more than 2 campaigns are selected, this option is disabled. This is a quick way to have the same Campaign Settings/Advanced Settings applied across the 2 campaigns selected.

The Update from CSV drops down allows you to select the following options, and then upload a CSV of multiple campaign IDs and name to perform the selected action. As seen here, you can Stop, Start or Archive the campaigns uploaded in the CSV.


Lastly, the Export to CSV allows you to export the resulting list of campaigns that are seen in the table. The export button will bring up a window where you can select/deselect the exact dimensions and metrics you would like in the export itself, with quick options to select and clear all:



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