White Label Onboarding for Indicue SSP & DSP

White Label Onboarding for Indicue SSP & DSP

SSP/Ad Server Account - Steps for setting up your white label:

  1. Confirm White Label (WL) subdomain you want ad-serving to be running through.

    1. EXAMPLE: ssp.[your_domain].com

  2. Ask your network team to delegate at the subdomain level by adding two NS records to your DNS panel or BIND zone file.

Let us know when this work is complete.  If you are unable to delegate at the subdomain level, please let us know and we’ll shift gears to an alternative solution.

  1. Once set up, according to the above your configuration will look like this, as an example:
    Login URL: admin.ssp.[your_domain].com
    RTB EP: ortb.ssp.[your_domain].com
    VAST tag: s.ssp.[your_domain].com 

  1. The visual changes to your SSP UI can be done via Platform settings (the gear button at the top right corner).  You should see the “White label styling and White label settings,” which will allow you to add a logo, colors, etc.



DSP Account - Steps for setting up your white label (coming soon)

  1. Confirm the WL subdomain you want ad-serving to be running through.

    1. EXAMPLE: dsp.[your_domain].com

  1. Ask your network team to delegate at the subdomain level by adding two NS records to your DNS panel or BIND zone file.


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