Getting Started in IndiCue
The IndiCue Ad server platform is designed with the ad ops user in mind. The Ad Server is focused around quick access to real-time reporting information, and the ability to take actions based upon that information. This guide will give you an overview of the profile settings and the platform features of IndiCue to help you to get started quickly.
Dashboard is the homepage when you log in. It displays a number of metrics, tables, and graphs that can help you to analyze your performance and financials in IndiCue and assist with optimizing.
To navigate back to this page, go to Dashboard on the top navigation bar or click on the IndiCue logo in the upper left corner of the screen.
Learn more about Dashboard here.
Update your settings
You can access settings by clicking the gear icon next to your account name on the top right of the platform. You are taken to the My Profile settings page here. Here you can enable 2-Factor Authentication for your account, update your contact information, and set your Country and time-zone for your account.
On the Manage Users tab, you can grant access to other users for this account. There are two types of users you can create:
Admin: can add users, adjust settings, create targeting lists, labels, tags, and run reports
AdOps: have the same functionality as Admin users, but they cannot create new users
Global block lists can be set on the Platform Settings tab – from here you can set global blocklists by App names, Bundle ID’s, Domains, and IP addresses. Additionally on the page you can create a global tracker which allows you to use 3rd party trackers for all campaigns created on your account.
You can add payment methods for your account on the Payment Information by clicking “create”.
Learn more about Settings here.
Global Lists
Create global targeting lists for Campaign Targeting on the Global Lists page (accessible under the Tools dropdown on the top navigation bar). IndiCue offers targeting on multiple levels. Targeting lists can be created for domain, app name, app bundle, IP address, device IDs, language, zip codes, DMAs and creative IDs. You can create override lists here as well.
Once created, these lists become available for any of your Campaigns and their targeting.
Learn more about Global Lists here.
Create Your Advertisers and Campaigns
On the main Advertisers page, you will see a table of your demand partners and performance metrics for the time period specified (use the drop down to change the time period setting!). See the Reporting glossary for a definition of metrics on this screen.
From here, you can see the list of advertisers that have been created, as well as the number of active campaigns/total campaigns underneath associated to each advertiser.
Create new advertisers by clicking the "+ new advertiser" and fill out the required information.
Clicking on an Advertiser in the list, you will be taken to that Advertiser’s dashboard that shows the top level performance metrics for all the campaigns underneath that advertiser. On the left hand navigation, you can click any of the campaigns listed to go specifically to that campaign.
Create a new campaign by clicking the "+ Campaign" and fill out the required information.
For more about Advertisers head here.
If you want to quickly see all campaigns in your account, you click the All Campaigns link in the Advertiser dropdown. You can search for specific campaigns and also use the filter options to narrow down the list of campaigns. From this page, you can also click Create new campaign to create a new one.
When viewing a specific Advertiser, create a new Campaign by clicking the "+ New campaign" button found on the left hand side of the page.
On the Basic Settings tab, enter your campaign basic information and tag's information. For more details, go to the Campaign page.
Once you have entered the VAST tag URL provided to you by your advertiser partner, make sure that you replace the macros with IndiCue macros, within curly brackets. Clicking the Apply Macros button will attempt to automatically replace macros with our IndiCue macros. Clicking the Macros Manual button takes you to our IndiCue macros list.
For example, if you receive this tag from your demand partner:[WIDTH]&h=[HEIGHT]&url=[DOMAIN]&cb=[CACHEBUSTER]
This is what you will change it to:{width}=&h={height}&url={site_url}&cb={cb}
Use the Advanced Settings tab to layer on frequency caps, targeting and 3rd party trackers for your campaign.
Once the campaign is created, you now have a Campaign Dashboard that will show performance for this campaign once it is active.
Go to the Supply tab, filter the Connection Status for ALL and click the Filter button. This will bring up all disconnected and connected sources for this campaign. To add any disconnected source, click the + button on the right hand side of the table for that source, set the Priority level and save. This will add that source to the campaign!
You can also align the Campaign to Supply later, when you are updating your Sources.
For more information about Campaigns, please go to the Campaigns page.
Create Your Channels and Sources
On the main Channels page, you will see a table of your supply partners and performance metrics for the time period specified (use the drop down to change the time period setting!). See the Reporting glossary for a definition of metrics on this screen.
From here, on the left side of the page, you can see the list of Channels that have been created, as well as the number of active Sources/total Sources underneath associated to each Channel.
Create new channels by clicking the "+ New channel" and fill out the required information.
On the Basic Settings tab, enter your Channel basic information, channel type, and client revshare. Revenue share set here at the Channel level can be overridden at each source level that exists underneath. For more details, go to the Channels page.
Clicking on a Channel in the list, you will be taken to that Channel’s dashboard that shows the top level performance metrics for all the Sources underneath that channel. On the left hand navigation, you can click any of the Sources listed to go specifically to that source.
Create a new source by clicking the "+ New source" and fill out the required information.
If you want to quickly see all Sources in your account, you can click the All Sources link in the Channels dropdown. You can search for specific sources and also use the filter options to narrow down the list of sources. From this page, you can also click Create new source to create a new one.
Create a new Source by clicking the "+ New Source" button on the Channel page.
On the Basic Settings tab, enter your Source basic information, integration type, and source pricing. Head to Advanced Settings to layer on request capping, enable ad podding, and add targeting.
Once the source is saved, the IndiCue Vast tag URL is created on the Basic Settings tab under the Source Settings. Head to the Tag Constructor tab to select/deselect all the parameters you would like the VAST tag URL to contain/remove.
Also, once the source is created, you now have a Source Dashboard that will show performance for this source once it is active.
Go to the Demand tab, filter the Connection Status for ALL and click the Filter button. This will bring up all disconnected and connected campaigns for this source. To add any disconnected campaign, click the + button on the right hand side of the table for that campaign, set the Priority level and save. This will add that campaign to the source!
You can also align the Source to Demand later, when you are updating your Campaigns.
For more information about Sources, please go to the Sources page.
Look at Your Reports
The Reports link under the Report dropdown on the top navigation bar will automatically load a Default Report. You can run reports for your IndiCue Channels, Sources, Advertisers and Campaigns by multiple dimensions, use a number of filters, and set conditions to show exactly what you would like to see.
Click the Run Report button to have the report update with all the settings you changed.
You can change the Report View to look at VAST Analytics or RTB Analytics. Selecting these will auto-update the report.
You can manually select quite a few more metrics by clicking the Wizard button. Once clicked, you will see a window with a listing for all the various metrics that IndiCue offers for reporting. If you like these selections, you can save it as a template and it will be available as a Templates selection for quick selection.
Click Compare to do quick comparisons between similar date ranges. The resulting table includes percentage change values for the metrics you select in green (positive colors) and red (negative change) colors.
Export the report you have in view by clicking “Export to csv”.
For more information about Reports head here.