

In the Report section, you can pull and download real-time data associated with any of the system core entities. It’s a customizable visual representation of your business flow sorted out according to these core metrics: ad opportunities, ad impressions, fill rate, etc.

By default in the Reports dashboard, you’ll see the overall performance data for the last 7 days. A default report is a predefined record in the system that cannot be deleted, however, it is editable during a specific session. You can manage and edit Default report parameters, but they will be reset the next time you log in. You can deploy filters to reach the maximum efficiency for your analytic/reporting requirements here as well.

Also along with the Default report, it is possible to create multiple custom reports and schedule them if needed.

Any of the reports can be filtered according to particular parameters called Slices. Data is arranged in tables and sorted by a number of Metrics which can also be customized.

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