By default in the Reports dashboard, you’ll see the overall performance data for the last 7 days.
This Default report is a predefined record in the system that cannot be deleted, however, it is editable during a specific session. You can manage and edit Default report parameters, but they will be reset the next time you log in.
This reports can be filtered according to particular parameters called Slices (more about Slices here). Data is arranged in tables and sorted by a number of Metrics which can also be customized.
You can deploy filters to reach the maximum efficiency for your analytic/reporting requirements here as well.
Also along with the Default report, it is possible to create multiple custom reports and schedule them if needed.
Working with the Default Report
The Default report loads showing the last 7 days of Ad Requests, Ad Opportunities, Impressions, Channel Revenue, Channel eCPM, Total Revenue, eCPM (USD), and Fill Rate (Ad Ops), as seen below.
However, this Default report is highly editable, starting at the top with Select report.
Select report: Any of these slices can be selected. They let you fine tune and filter the report table below, to extract out the data for analytics you are after. See Slices for a description of each slice.
Date Range: Choose a predefined date range for your report, or select a custom date range.
Timezone: This defaults to your account setting. But it can be changed here to affect the metric counts of your report.
RTB Traffic: Here you can select only RTB or Exclude RTB traffic for your report. The default is set to N/A.
Metric Filter: By default there are no metrics being filtered. You can click the + to select and add any metric filter in the list. As an example, if you want to limit your report to only show when Impressions are greater than or equal to 10, you can select Impressions, select the >= operator, and type in 10 as seen here:
You can add 1 or more Metric Filters to your report.
Supply Type: The selection here will filter the report to only show data from Channels that are set to these Supply types. Choose Basic to only show Basic Supply types. Choose Traffic Router to only show those Supply types.
Report View: The Default view affects the pre-defined dimensions and metrics of the actual Default Report, showing Ad Requests, Ad Opportunities, Impressions, Channel Revenue, Channel eCPM, Total Revenue, eCPM (USD), and Fill Rate (Ad Ops), as seen above. However, you can select 2 other predefined Views, VAST Analytics or RTB Analytics.
Vast Analytics contains Ad Requests, Ad Opportunities, Impressions, Channel Revenue, Total Revenue, Channel eCPM, eCPM, Fill Rate (Ad Ops), Stale Impressions, Duplicate Impressions, Missed Campaign Ad Opportunity, Total Impressions, Filtered Impressions, Request Error Cmp Filtered, Request Error Geo Mismatch, Request Error Ops Limit, Request Error Imp Limit, Campaign Error Empty Xml, Campaign Error Xml Timeout, Campaign Error Invalid Xml, Filter Adreq Rps Limit, Request Error Stale Ad Id, Request Error No App Name Or Bundle, Request Error App Name Or App Bundle Mismatch, Request Error Adreq Rps Limit, and Campaign Error Xml Network Error.
RTB Analytics contains Ad Requests, RTB Campaign Response, RTB Campaign Response Rate, Bids, RTB Wins, Ad Opportunities, Impressions, Stale Impressions, Duplicate Impressions, Missed Campaign Ad Opportunity, Total Impressions, Filtered Impressions, Request Error Cmp Filtered, Request Error Geo Mismatch, Request Error Ops Limit, Request Error Imp Limit, Campaign Error Empty Xml, Campaign Error Xml Timeout, Campaign Error Invalid Xml, Filter Adreq Rps Limit, Request Error Stale Ad Id, Request Error Adreq Rps Limit, Request Error App Name Or App Bundle Mismatch, Campaign Error Bad Status Code, Campaign Error Xml Network Error
The metrics description here link, seen below, will redirect you to our public Reporting Glossary for a description of the metrics you will find in our reports. Reporting Glossary.
Get API URL: Clicking this button will open a window where you will find the API link specific to the report in view on your page. This API URL can be used to programmatically retrieve data from IndiCue for your external BI/Reporting Analytics suites. You can set the expiration time for this URL too, selecting from Never, expires after X days, or after unused in X days (where you enter in a number for X ).
Download API doc: Clicking this button will redirect you to a downloadable pdf of our Reports API documentation.
Compare: Clicking this button will open a window, seen below, that allows you to set a date range, and specific metrics to compare against the actual report's selected date range that you began with. As an example, if your report Date Range is set to show “the last 7 days”, you can use the Compare Settings to set the Start and End Date to the previous “last 7 days” accordingly for comparison. Then, select the Compare fields you want to compare.
The resulting table will insert % change columns for the selected comparison fields and selected date range. You will see the % change calculation in green for positive change, and in red for negative change, as seen here:
This Compare feature can quickly show you the % change for any Month over Month, Quarter over Quarter, Week over Week, or virtually any date range you would like to compare.
Wizard: Clicking this button will open a window, seen below, that allows you to search and browse all the metrics that you can bring in to you report. The Available metrics on the left can be brought in to your report, and as you select them, they will appear under the Selected on the right.
Clicking the + aligned with each Available metric will quickly add ALL the metrics in that folder to the Selected. Clicking the will expand the folder, and you will see all the Available metrics. Then, each individual Available metric can be added by clicking the + button.
On the right, clicking the x will remove that individual Selected metric. The Clear all button will quickly remove all Selected metrics.
Additionally, you can type in each of the search fields to quickly find any metrics within each list.
Once you have your desired Selected metrics, at the bottom click Apply and you will see your metrics in the report.
Finally, the top of the window allows you to Create New View or Update View. Creating a new view will save your selections in this window for future use and allow you to quickly change the metrics in your existing Report without having to recreate it in the Wizard. Provide a name for the new View and be sure to click Create at the bottom of the window. If you are updating a view, you will Select the view you want to update and at the bottom, be sure to click Update to save the changes.
All of your saved views will be listed in the Templates right above the Report table. This is a drop down list for easy selection of your saved views.