Scheduled Reports

Scheduled Reports

This instruction shows the general workflow of the Scheduled Reports feature. 


To get your report scheduled start with Creating a New Report article.




Choose the report to schedule. Click the Schedule button in the right top corner of the report data table as seen above. Result: a new pop-up window for Scheduling Reports appears.




  1.  Name the file you'll receive to your email address. 

  1.  Look back: select the date range for which the data will be sent. 

  1. Make your report a recurring event on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

  1. Choose the frequency of your report:

  • For weekly - the days/day of the week;

  • For monthly -  the specific day of the month

  1. Choose Timezone. GMT is chosen by default. 

  1. Select the delivery time

  1. Add the recipient(s)

  1. Make your Scheduled Report active by clicking the radio button.

  1. Force Run - this option allows you to receive the report immediately after setting it up. 

Click the Save button.


*You can find all scheduled reports by clicking the Scheduled Reports button at the top of the left side rail.


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