Create a New Campaign
Basic Settings
Under Basic Settings, please provide a Campaign Name and feel free to set Flighting as desired.
The Integrations types all have their own specific settings you can set once chosen.
Tag based
The VAST tag URL and CPM are required. When dropping in the VAST tag with placeholder macros, you can try to find the Adserver in the list, then click Apply macros. Doing so should automatically replace the macros with the IndiCue macros. However, clicking the Macros manual button will open our macros page reference so you can easily lookup and replace macros as needed.
How to Replace Macros in a Tag
When implementing the VAST demand tag, it’s critical to fill in the parameters in the URL with the corresponding IndiCue macros. This is very important and highly recommended because unchanged macros will lead to an absence of responses from the demand side – the advertiser simply won’t be able to define the inbound traffic.
To replace the macros automatically, find the Adserver for this VAST tag, and then click on the “Apply macros” button under the tag URL. This button will automatically replace all recognized macros to the system macros and you will see the changes in real-time.
Once all the macros are replaced, you will receive a notification message:
On the other hand, if at least one of them hasn’t been changed, you will receive the following notification:
Note! This notification message points out that part of macros hasn’t been replaced. You can replace them manually with consulting the macros manual.
Direct demand
With this type, you can choose to upload the creative directly by clicking Upload New File and providing the Clickthrough URL
Or you can select Use my hosting. Doing so, you are required to enter a Title for the creative, as well as the Creative and Clickthrough URLs
Note the Direct Demand Integration Type also requires a CPM.
Open RTB / Prebid Server
These two integration types share a number of the same settings so they are combined here.
The Endpoint URL for Open RTB (or the Default endpoint URL for Prebid Server) is required.
You can also look in the oRTB Partner (or, for Prebid Server it is Prebid Partner) dropdown for the partner you are configuring. Based on your selections, IndiCue has already pre-configured the known parameters for those partners, and you are required to provide that information too. As an example, selecting Pubmatic then asks for the below information seen here:
You then have the ability to set OpenRTB Settings, Auctions Settings and Bidding Rules as needed.
Within OpenRTB Settings, you can set the X-Openrtb version header. This defaults to OpenRTB 2.5.
Please select a Demand Type here as well.
The Notification URL processing defaults to Normal. However, you can select from five options:
Normal - all RTB demand partners provide us with the list of campaigns eager to display the ad on a specific domain. The best performing campaign is being chosen by all parties. We send a confirmation request to the server (campaign) that won the bid. That campaign responds to our Video SSP with a confirmation and the ad is being displayed.
Ignore - all RTB demand partners provide us with the list of campaigns eager to display the ad on a specific domain. The best performing campaign is being chosen by all parties. We send a confirmation request to the server (campaign) that won the bid but we show the ad without a confirmation in return.
Impression - all RTB demand partners provide us with the list of campaigns eager to display the ad on a specific domain. The best performing campaign is being chosen by all parties. We send a confirmation request to the server (campaign) that won the bid. The campaign (RTB demand server) is being informed about the impression in the response after the ad starts.
Do not wait - all RTB demand partners provide us with the list of campaigns eager to display the ad on a specific domain.The best performing campaign is being chosen by all parties. We show the ad without sending a confirmation request to the campaign that won the bid.
Opportunity - all RTB demand partners provide us with the list of campaigns eager to display the ad on a specific domain. The best performing campaign is being chosen by all parties. We send a confirmation request to the server (campaign) that won the bid. The campaign (RTB demand server) is being informed about the ad opportunity in the response after the ad starts.
With Auctions Settings, you can choose between an Auction Type. With both Open Auction or PMP you can select either a First Price Auction Type or Second Price.
But with Auction Type PMP, you have a few more settings to provide for First Price and Second Price as seen here. You can provide the Deal ID, Wseat and set a Private Auction.
Deal ID conveys the specific deals applicable to this impression.
Wseat stands for whitelist of buyer seats (e.g., advertisers, agencies) allowed to bid on this deal. IDs of seats and the buyer’s customers to which they refer must be coordinated between bidders and the exchange a priori. Omission implies no seat restrictions.
Private auction indicates auction eligibility to seats named in the Direct Deals object, where checkbox unticked = all bids are accepted; and checkbox ticked = bids are restricted to the deals specified and the terms thereof.
Setting the Auction Type to PMP and selecting Bidfloor will require you to enter the PMP Bid as well.
Under Bidding Rules, you can set bidding strategy rules that are applied to outgoing requests and work together with Auction settings. Clicking the + Rules button brings up a Select Rules for you to choose from:
Select any that are desired and be sure to click Save. You will then be asked to provide the values based on your rules selection(s):
Bid pricing - Min and max value for outgoing bid.
Response bid - Min and max value for the bid received.
Fixed floor - All the bid floors in supply requests will be overwritten to the value set in the field.
Override floor - If bid floor is lower than value in this field, we’ll send further price set in Override floor. All the bid floors higher than this value will not be overriden.
Add to Floor price - All the bid floors from supply requests will be increased by the value in this field.
Finally after you have everything required set, you can either click:
Next - this will take you to the Advanced Settings for this Campaign, where you can further layer on targeting and more for your campaign.
Create - this will create the campaign and send you to the Supply tab for it where you can connect sources to this campaign.
Save and Clone - this will create the initial campaign, and then launch into the creation process for the cloned copy of the original. You are asked if you want to clone the campaign for the Current Advertiser or you can Select Advertiser.