Advanced Settings for Campaigns

Advanced Settings for Campaigns

The Advanced Settings tab for a campaign is where you can set even more options for your campaign. This includes settings for:



Player Size

Request Optimization Tool

3rd Party Trackers


Ad campaign delivery allows you to limit the volume of Impressions a particular advertiser/demand partner will receive along with the overall volume of incoming Ad Requests and Ad Opportunities coming from the publishers' inventory mapped to those campaigns.

QPS (query per second) parameter allows you to control the number of requests sent to the campaign in a second from the bidders added along to the waterfall. Currently, the minimum value for QPS per campaign is 100, the maximum amount is limited by your Personal Manager. The inbound amount of QPS can be spread between your RTB campaigns.


The volume of Ad RequestsAd Opportunities and Impressions can be limited by specific time periods: daily (per 24 hours) and hourly.



By default, the Advanced Settings page always has the following Targeting selections you can leverage:

Domains, Bundle IDs, Countries Content Categories - as seen below.


However, feel free to add even more Targeting to your campaign by clicking the




Doing so allows you to bring any of these Targets into your campaign to work with:

  • Mobile App Names

  • Browsers

  • Operating System

  • Language

  • Device ID

  • Device filter type

  • IP

  • Dayparting

  • Zip Codes

  • Adomain

  • Override Lists

  • Creative ID

  • DMA Codes

  • Publisher ID

  • Segments

Important Note: If the Targets remain empty, you will receive ad requests from all supply sources mapped to campaigns. So leveraging any of these Targets is a way to optimize and fine tune any specific targeting you want for a campaign. Use Block to restrict delivering ad requests from any of the specific Targets you set up. Use Allow to allow delivery of ad requests only from a certain pool of Targets that you set up with these Targets.

You will notice that some of the Targets have these buttons on their right hand side


Clicking Create List will take you to the Tools > Global Lists section where you actually create and manage the list for this target. Doing so and thus creating the list will allow it to be selected within your campaign Targeting.

As an example, if you have already created BundleID lists in the Tools > Global Lists like seen here:


You will then see these as selections for BundleID targeting that can either be allowed or blocked:


You can also Upload from CSV. Clicking this button will bring up a window where you are required to enter a list name and select a Prebid Partner. It is recommended to first click the


and prepare this csv file 1st. Once prepared, you can click the Upload button. Once done, the list will now be selectable for this target.

Example for Bundle List from CSV File:



Player Size

You can allow or block specific Player Size types


Simply enter the custom sizes for Width and Height, where you can set the min and max pixel counts for each that you want to allow or block. If you want to allow/block additional custom sizes, click the + Add new size button.


Requests Optimization tool

To help publishers with the ad request optimization to ad campaigns, we have the Requests Optimization tool in the Advanced Settings. This feature must be enabled, reach out to the support team to assist!

The algorithm analyses the performance of the request chain by the pre-selected options and its values every time for the Lookback period field and caps the volume (if the value is below the threshold) of the traffic coming or, the opposite, remove capping (if the value becomes above the threshold) the volume of the traffic out of the chain.

Threshold by options:

  • Fill-rate (Ad requests)

  • eCPM

Threshold values can be set to these comparison operators, followed by inputting the numerical %:

  • Less (than)

  • Less (than or) equal (to)

  • Greater (than)

  • Greater (than or) equal (to)

Lookback period options:

  • Last 30 minutes

  • Last hour

  • Last 2 hours

  • Last 6 hours

  • Last 12 hours

Traffic cap: set the % value anywhere between 1 - 100 %.

Example 1


Condition is set on campaign Y:

  • Fill rate (Ad requests): “Less” (than) 3%

  • Lookback period: last 30 minutes

  • Traffic cap: 10%

Traffic coming from source X and 3 bundles (1,2,3) to campaign Y. If the Fill rate on the request chain is less than 3% for the last 30 minutes, the system will cap the amount of the traffic sent thru this chain to the Traffic cap % for performance below threshold field (3% in this case) of incoming traffic, which means that only 10% of requests will reach the campaign. If during a consequent check (every 15 minutes) the value of fill-rate on the request chain reaches and overcomes the threshold (3%), the system removes the 10% Traffic cap limit.

Example 2


Condition is set on campaign B:

  • Fill rate (Ad requests): “Greater” (than) 10%

  • Lookback period: last 30 minutes

  • Traffic cap: 5%

You may find if useful, when you would like to prevent sending big traffic volumes to demand if Fill-rate (Ad Requests) is more than specific value, 10% for example, which could seem suspicious. This example of setup shows that traffic incoming Source A to Campaign B, if the Fill rate on the ad request chain is more than 10%, traffic volumes coming from this key will be capped to 5%. Period analyzed - last 30 minutes, but can be adjusted as you wish. 


3rd Party Trackers

Your demand partners may need an additional event tracking. We designed 3rd party tracking functionality specifically for this purpose. First of all, you should specify the event type to be tracked and then add the tracking pixel that will match the specific event in the form of URL. If you want to remove your 3rd party tracker simply click on the (delete) button. The last but not least, traffic score field allows you to set the percentage of traffic to be scored. 

Event type drop-down stands for the type of a tracking event. Below you can find the complete list of tracking events that can be used.

  • Impression

  • Video Clickthrough

  • First Quartile (25% watched)

  • Midpoint (50% watched)

  • Third Quartile (75% watched)

  • Complete View (100% watched)

  • Pause

  • Mute

  • Resume

  • Unmute

  • Error

  • Skip

  • AdRequest

  • Before ADM Insert

  • Server Side Impression

  • Ad started

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