Viewing a Campaign
There are three tabs presented to you when visiting a specific Campaign page.
Campaign Settings (This takes you to the Basic Settings and Advanced Settings for the Campaign).
Heading to a specific Campaign that has been created, you will see a Dashboard devoted to the top level metrics for this campaign. It shows the following metrics starting at the top:
Top: Today’s Spend, Impressions, and eCPM. These metrics also show Yesterday’s total amounts, as well as the month-to-date (MTD) total amounts. Revenue numbers default to USD.
Middle: Two bar chart graphs showing the daily breakout of Spend and Impressions. The date range can be adjusted using the drop down above these bar charts.
Bottom: A table that is also affected by the date range selection mentioned above. This table can be exported by clicking the export to csv button. The column headers can be shifted left and right based on how you would like see this table by clicking the individual dimension/metric and dragging it left or right. In this table, you can quickly see the metrics for this specific campaign:
Ad Requests
Ad Opportunities
Fill Rate (Ad Req)
Fill Rate (Ad Ops)
Total Revenue
You can manage the dimensions and metrics you see in this table by clicking the button on the right of the table headers. Take a look inside to see all the metrics available!
Additionally, the left vertical side bar gives you the ability to create a new campaign, go back to the advertiser’s dashboard, as well listing out all the campaigns that have been created for this specific advertiser. Underneath Select campaign: you can search and filter this list to specific campaign(s). Clicking the button will sort the campaigns accordingly by campaign name.