Scoring Services
To have the entities scored, we need first to enable the scoring itself:
1) Go to the Tools >> Scoring services
2) Tick "+" next to Protected Media (Post-bid)
3) Be sure to “check” I agree to the terms and conditions
Once done, you would need to add the caps - both on the account level Global daily cap (1) and per entity (max amount of requests that will be scored per entity per day (2) and per hour (3))
As an example, based on the settings in the screenshot above: Global daily cap is 1m of impressions (for ALL your entities) and 240k impressions daily and 10k per hour for each source/campaign.
If you would like the system to automatically enable the scoring with default capping either on all newly created sources or campaigns, please tick the corresponding check box.
Finish the process with the Create button. After that Protected Media Postbid will be enabled.
As an alternative you can enable unlimited scanning toggle. With this toggle scoring will be enabled for all your entities without any limits.
In the actions you can find pencil icon to correct scoring settings per entity
On top of that, you can disable/enable scoring at the source/campaign level
See the Scoring Report documentation to get insights on your inventory!