

You can always get to this dashboard page by clicking the Dashboard on the top navigation bar.

This dash gives you a high level quick look at the overall performance of your Supply and Demand.

Starting at the top, you can see the totals so far for Today’s top level metrics with a quick comparison to Yesterday’s total metrics (showing the change percentage as well):

  • Channel Revenue

  • Total Revenue

  • Margin

  • Paid Impressions

  • eCPM

  • Fill Rate

All of the revenue metrics default to USD.

In the middle of the page, you can see the Hourly Performance graph with a toggle to choose between Impressions, Ad Requests, and Fill Rate.

Finally, at the bottom of the dash are two tables that show the Top 5 Sources and Top 5 Campaigns. You can change the date range for these two tables, selecting between Last 7 Days, Yesterday, and Today. Note: The date selection here only affects these bottom two tables.


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