Glossary: Slices
Slices - organizing the data according to the specific criteria. The selected slices will appear in your report as dimensions in the table.
Slices / Filters - Definition
Date - The date range of the report.
Hour - Statistics by Hours.
Channel - Statistics by Channels (publishers).
Source - Statistics by Sources.
Advertiser - Statistics by Advertisers.
Campaign - Statistics by Campaigns.
Campaign Type - Environment of Campaign.
Domain - Statistics by Domains. Top domain names, as well as all subdomains, are included to the report.
Top Domain - Only the top domain of a website an ad request comes from is shown.
Player Size - Statistics by player sizes.
Player Size Agg - Statistics by player sizes (small/medium/large).
Country - Statistics by Counties. The country an ad request comes from.
Region - Statistics by Regions
City - Statistics by Cities
Operating System - Statistics by operating systems. A value which displays operating systems, including:
Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows XP / Windows Vista / Mac OS X / IOS / Android / Linux / Other.
User Agent - Statistics by user agents. Web browser where the event takes place, including:
Chrome / Opera / Mozilla Firefox / Yandex / Opera Mini / Safari / Orbitum / Internet Explorer / Others.
User Agent Version - A particular version of the Web browser. Includes numerical indicators.
Environment - Statistics by the environment. This is an environment type where ad serving events occurred.
Desktop / Mobile APP / Mobile WEB / CTV.
App Name - Statistics by applications.
Bundle ID - Statistics by Bundle IDs.
The Mobile App/CTV Bundle ID (ex. Google Play: com.rovio.angrybirds / Apple App Store:
Ad Type - Statistics by type of the advertisement (video, display, ad push,etc.).
Connections - Statistics by Connections (for example - performance of a certain connection of sources and campaigns).
Month - Statistics by months.
Week - Statistics by months.